Our goal is to provide you with the most advanced care possible in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Toward that end, we use the most current periodontal procedures, instruments, medications, and sterilization techniques.

Every procedure is done with your comfort and safety in mind. We work closely with your general dentist to ensure you get the best possible care. We want you to be completely informed of your condition and encourage you to voice any questions you may have regarding your treatment and care. Please feel free to ask questions before, during, or after any procedure.

After treatment, home care and medication instructions will be thoroughly explained. For your convenience, you will also be given printed instructions. Of course, we are always available for questions after treatment.

Patient Comfort

While no dental procedure is 100% comfortable, we go to great lengths to minimize any discomfort you might feel.  The following are some of the techniques we use to provide you with as comfortable an experience as possible.


Different patients have different needs for pain and anxiety control medication. Depending upon the procedure and your wishes, there are many medications we can prescribe.

Patients with certain medical conditions (e.g. valvular heart conditions and artificial joints) may be asked to pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to treatment. We do this with your safety in mind. Please inform us if you have a condition that might need pre-medication.


For those patients who would feel more comfortable with sedation, nitrous oxide can be given to help you relax during your treatment.

Your comfort is one of our primary concerns. If you have any questions about sedation, please do not hesitate to discuss these with us.


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