Websites on Periodontal Health
The American Academy of Periodontology has a very informative website on the following topics:

Periodontal Disease
Contains types and causes of periodontal disease. It includes illustrations and possible treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Offers general periodontal questions, periodontal procedures, and how periodontal disease affects general health.
Possible Medical Complications
Describes how periodontal disease can adversely affect your general health.
Women & Periodontal Disease
Contains information to help women avoid periodontal (gum) disease and protect their oral health.
Periodontal Procedures
Describes periodontal procedures such as dental implants, scaling & root planing, crown lengthening, regeneration, tissue grafts, and dental laser surgery.
Websites on Dental Implants
American Academy of Periodontology: Dental Implants
Institute for Dental Implant Awareness (IDIA) is a non-profit corporation founded in 1997 to provide independent, authoritative and objective information on the benefits of dental implants as an alternative treatment option for tooth replacement.
This is a dental implant website for patient education on Implant Dentistry:
Additionally, the American Dental Association website has more information on: